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How does our pricing compare?

Cloud Estimator

Compare cost per month and save with predictable and transparent pricing. Explore bundled compute, storage, and transfer packages against AWS, GCP, and Azure.

Plan Type


+0 TB
+0 TB

Selected configuration

CPU GPU Memory Storage Transfer
0 0 0 GB

Estimated costs for each provider

Pricing comparisons accurate as of Jul 1, 2023. Estimator reflects pricing for US-east data centers. Pricing may vary by region.

Cloud Pricing Calculator

Estimate Your Cloud Costs

Our Cloud Computing Calculator helps price and configure features to match your needs. Share with others by exporting results to Excel or PDF.

CPU, transfer, storage, and memory bundled into one simple price.

Industry-Comparative Hardware icon


Cloud computing plans from shared to Dedicated to GPU, for every workload.


Superfast bundled SSD storage. Add block and S3 compatible object storage in seconds.
What is Cloud Computing? Global Scale

Bandwidth (Transfer)

Generous transfer included free with every cloud computing plan.

Memory (RAM)

Bundled memory configurations for basic to RAM-intensive applications.

Get started today!